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Brisbane's Airtrain

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Customers are saying "Airtrain is fantastic for airport transfers"

Royal Bris. & Women’s Hospital

Bowen Hills Station

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital is located in Herston and the largest hospital in Queensland. It is home to the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, The University of Queensland’s Centre for Clinical Research and the Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners research institutes.

Directions from Bowen Hills Station:

  • Exit Bowen Hills station and walk west on Hudd Street towards Mayne Road.
  • Turn left on Mayne Road and walk 200m.
  • Cross onto Hamilton Place and continue for 150m.
  • At the intersection for Oconnell Terrace, turn right and continue for 600m.
  • After Bowen Bridge Road, you will see the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital precinct on your right.