布⾥斯本機場專線⾃ 2001年營運開始已搭載超過兩千四百萬的旅客,並被視為布⾥斯本機場載客運輸⾸選。尖峰時段每⼗五分鐘⼀班去往⿈⾦海岸,從機場到布⾥斯本市中⼼只要⼆⼗分鐘。搭乘機場專線的旅客可以坐到 Helensvale ⽕⾞站後轉乘輕軌G:link 直達衝浪者天堂。
憑前往市中心的車票,您可以在任何市中心的車站下車( 含Eagle Junction, Wooloowin, Albion, Bowen Hills, Fortitude Valley, Central, Roma Street, South Brisbane)。 旅客可以購買交通卡或是直接在⽕⾞站/布⾥斯本機場專線客服櫃檯購買⾞票。特別優惠:凡是⼗四歲以下孩童(含⼗四歲)與成⼈⼀起搭乘機場專線,成⼈需購買單程或來回票,孩童⼀律免費。
布⾥斯本機場專線從布⾥斯本機場直達⿈⾦海岸,沿途停靠所有⿈⾦海岸車站, 包括 Ormeau, Coomera, Helensvale (輕軌G:link 轉乘), Nerang, Robina 及 Varsity Lakes。
如果您想要從Helensvale 轉乘輕軌 G:link 到⿈⾦海岸其他地区/海灘 (如:Southport,Main Beach,Surfers Paradise 及 Broadbeach),可以在機場火車站/布⾥斯本機場專線客服櫃檯購買您所需的⾞票。
若想轉乘輕軌 G:link,您只需要搭乘直達黃金海岸的機場專線列車在 Helensvale 站轉乘,即可從布⾥斯本機場無縫接軌到衝浪者天堂。
布⾥斯本機場專線 + 輕軌 G:link 在 Helensvale ⽕⾞站轉乘,中途停靠所有輕軌站。輕軌 G:link 尖峰時段每七點五分鐘⼀班,若需要其他詳細資訊請上 www.ridetheg.com.au 。
旅客可以使⽤交通卡或是直接在機場火車站/布⾥斯本機場專線客服櫃檯購買輕軌 G:link 車票和交通卡。
布⾥斯本機場專線提供各種交通卡以⽅便旅客在昆⼠蘭東南區(主要包括布⾥斯本Brisbane, ⿈⾦海岸Gold Coast及 陽光海岸 Sunshine Coast)旅遊。旅客可以在位於國際和國內的機場專線⽕⾞站或機場專線客服櫃檯購買各種交通卡。
🔎DISCOVER: Moreton Bay
Just a stone’s throw from the northern suburbs of Brisbane is Moreton Bay, a marine wonderland where Brisbane River meets the ocean. Moreton Bay is most known for its mammoth tidal lagoon that is home to dugongs, turtles, dolphins and manta rays, as well as sub-tropical coral reefs and fish galore. You can experience the wonders of Moreton Bay on an eco-boat tour or night-time kayak, snorkelling below the surface or seeing it from above via a scenic flight, or checking out a local oyster farm where you can sample Moreton Bay oysters fresh off the trawler.
For more ideas on how to experience Moreton Bay, check out the article: https://shorturl.at/q7ky0
#moretonbay #discoverbrisbane #brisbaneairtrain
🧠BRAIN CANCER AWARENESS: Latest research breakthrough
Researchers at @qimrb_institute have co-led an incredible world-leading breakthrough in childhood brain cancer research. They have shown a potential new targeted therapy for childhood brain cancer effectively kills tumour cells in pre-clinical medulloblastoma models.
Brain cancer kills more Australian children than any other disease, and those who survive often experience long-term impacts on their development and quality of life as a result of standard treatments used.
These latest findings have been hailed as potentially transformative for treating the most common childhood brain cancer, medulloblastoma, and improving outcomes for our youngest patients.
Learn more about QIMR Berghofer’s childhood brain cancer research breakthrough: https://www.qimrb.edu.au/whats-on/news/childhood-brain-cancer-research-breakthrough-could-transform-treatment
👀BLOG: Top travel tips for families with young kids
Family travel can be one of the most enriching experiences for young kids, opening their eyes to new cultures, landscapes and ideas. However, there are also challenges and uncertainties that come when travelling with kids. With a little preparation and the right attitude, family holidays can create lifelong memories for both parents and children.
For our top travel tips for families with young kids, check out the blog via the link in bio.
#traveltips #familytraveltips #brisbaneairtrain
🎉COMPETITION: Winner announced!
Congratulations to the lucky winner of our Pride & Prejudice competition – Brian Cavanagh.
The original-regency rom-com arrives at the Playhouse, QPAC for a strictly limited season from 20 February – 9 March. Don’t miss this exquisite theatrical adaptation of Jane Austen’s timeless tale, featuring a luminous all-Queensland cast.
Secure your tickets now → bit.ly/ppqt25
#QTPrideandPrejudice #QTSeason25 #BrisbaneAirtrain
🚆TRAVEL TIP: Pay your way
Airtrain aims to make travel as easy as possible by allowing you to pay your way. Pay for your Airtrain journey using a go card you can touch on at your departing station and touch off when you arrive at your destination. Smart Ticketing is also available on Airtrain, allowing you to simply tap and travel with Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Alternatively, you can pay using Apple Pay or Google Pay online or at the station gates.
#traveltip #brisbaneairport #brisbaneairtrain
🎉COMPETITION: Win tickets to Pride & Prejudice
Don’t forget to enter our competition to win 2x A Reserve tickets up to see Pride & Prejudice at the Playhouse, QPAC.
Presented by Queensland Theatre, Austen’s rapier wit and iconic characters burst to life in this exquisite theatrical adaptation of the novel that defined the very genre of romantic comedy.
Entries close tomorrow at midnight. Enter now: airtrain.com.au/prideandprejudice
#QTPrideandPrejudice #QTSeason25 #brisbaneairtrain
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