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Airtrain’s top 3 tips on how to save money while travelling alone

As any globetrotter can tell you, keeping your holiday budget under control can be a challenging task. Half of you is whispering “when in Rome” and your rational side is reminding you that you need to stick to your budget if you want to make it to the end of trip.

When you’re travelling on a budget, it’s important to know which areas you can restrict your spending. When you’re travelling alone on a budget, it’s even more important to have a clear plan about areas where you can reduce unnecessary cash splashes.

We believe that life, and especially holidays, are for living it up.

We’d never suggest cancelling your booking at Brisbane’s highly awarded Joy restaurant and we wouldn’t even consider telling you skip the Paris Opera Ballet at QPAC. However, with only a few minor adjustments, you can have the solo holiday of your dreams without breaking the bank.

Three major areas that can be slightly adjusted to instantly put more money into your pocket are: accommodation, transport and food.

So, how can you make small changes that’ll have a big impact on your budget?

#1 Travel smart

When you’re travelling alone, the expenses of transport can really impinge on your adventure fund. The cost of taxis or hire cars can all amount to a hefty bill, with lasting environmental impacts.

To save yourself a big chunk of money, we recommend opting for alternative transport solutions. Airtrain offers a budget-friendly solution to travelling between Brisbane Airport and the CBD. When you book an Advance Purchase Ticket 7 days or more ahead of time, your fare to Brisbane CBD from Brisbane Airport can start at just $15.

If you’re planning to travel around Brisbane, using a go Card will save plenty of money and will allow you to travel seamlessly across Translink bus, train (including Airtrain), ferry and tram services in greater Brisbane, Ipswich Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast regions. With easy top-up options and card options for adults, children, concessions and seniors – go Card makes travelling in Brisbane simple.

Don’t forget to make use of Brisbane’s FREE inner city ferry service. Running 7 days a week, the CityHopper invites passengers to explore Brisbane from the water. Guests can hop on and hop off every 30 minutes at Brisbane City, Kangaroo Point, New Farm and South Brisbane locations.

Not only will skipping the passenger car save you plenty of hassle and money, but it’s also significantly better for the environment. Travelling by rail or boat reduces your CO2 output, minimises the risks of road crash incidents and entirely avoids road congestion. 

#2 Be deliberate with your food budget

Shaking up how you spend on food is one of the easiest ways you can save money. This doesn’t mean skipping out on your Eat Street Northshore plans or missing meals. Instead, keep your everyday spend on food lower by feasting on fresh fruit from one of Brisbane’s farmers’ markets for breakfast or home cook for yourself in your accommodation instead of eating out for every meal.

When we’re traveling alone, we like to book accommodation that includes complimentary breakfast. It doesn’t only reduce the wallet strain but having someone else prepare breakfast every day makes the whole trip feel a lot more like a quintessential relaxing holiday. 

#3 Research your accommodation

When you’re travelling solo, booking an entire two-bedroom apartment can seem both unnecessary and expensive. If you’re comfortable sleeping in a hostel, Brisbane offers plenty of safe, comfortable and cost-efficient hostels. However, if you prefer to have your own space and can be flexible with your accommodation, we recommend not booking ahead. Often, when you leave your accommodation booking to the last minute, you can land brilliant cost-slashing deals.

We hope these tips on how to keep your solo Brisbane holiday in-line with your budget have helped you plan the holiday of your dreams for less.

Check out the Airtrain Blog for more helpful travel hints.